
git architecture

Everything about the changes rollback

  • code changed without git add

    # `git add .` and `git checkout .` is a pair of inverse operations
    git checkout . 
    git reset --hard
  • git add . done without git commit

    git reset + git chekcout . 
    git reset --hard 
  • git commit done

    # option 1: keep the changes in worksapce, rollback committed chagnes in local repo
    git reset head^
    # option 2: rollback the changes in both workspace and local repo
    git reset --hard head^
  • git push done

    # overwrite remote via the local
    git reset --hard HEAD^
    git push -f

How can I see the changes in a git commit?

git diff COMMIT~ COMMIT or git show COMMIT

How to include config directives from another source?

setup a .gitconfig, .gitconfig-garena, and .gitconfig-github at $HOME as follows, all the projects under the folder will be configured recursively:

# .gitconfig
[includeIf "gitdir:~/workspace/garena.com/"]
	path = ~/.gitconfig-garena

[includeIf "gitdir:~/workspace/github.com/"]
	path = ~/.gitconfig-github

# .gitconfig-garena
	name = Jinying Che
	email = jinying.che@shopee.com
# .gitconfig-github
	name = Jinying Che
	email = chejinying@me.com 

Keep the local changes, delete the remote changes

delete the local cache, push to the remote

1. git rm —cache -r directory
2. git commit -m "del"
3. git pushf

Git merge the update from the forked project

1. git remote add upstream url
2. git fetch upstream
3. git merge upsteam/master

 # NOTE check the remote brach status:
 git remote -v

Git merge the file from the other branch

exactly, it’s checkout, pls be reminded that this command will overwrite the local file without merging process

git checkout branch_name filename

Overwrite the local via the remote

1. git fetch --all
2. git reset --hard origin/master

Squash commits

  1. git rebase -i commit-version (which is earlist one that squash beginning from)
  2. change pick to s(squash) manually by edting the file, leave the first pick, then :wq(for vim)
  3. Edit the commit message, leave the msg for the final commiting, then:wq(for vim)
